Jump Cut Script Analysis - The Fastest Way To Screenwriting Success
Is your script a frog or a prince?
Even if it's a frog, there may be a prince hiding inside it!  We can tell you how to fix your script (Sorry-- we don't kiss frogs).
See below, then click here to set up a consultation:  mailto:Staton@statonrabin.com


A Jump Cut client says:

“I’ve worked with Staton Rabin for several years on a variety of projects. Not only is she an insightful script analyst and a skilled editor, but she’s also very knowledgeable about the ins and outs of the film industry and what it takes to get a project green-lighted. What’s more, her proven techniques for getting scripts in front of virtually any actor or director make her an invaluable asset as you try to get your project produced. And, in these lean times, her rates are remarkably reasonable. You get what you pay for—and more.” 


---  Todd Gordon, Writer


READING A SCREENPLAY AND DETAILED EVALUATION/REPORT:  Fee: $1500.  Includes a one-hour follow-up phone consultation at no extra charge. Turnaround time is usually no more than 72 hours. Instead of a written report, some writers prefer to have notes written directly on their script, and this can be done. 

READING AND EVALUATION OF A SYNOPSIS (up to five pages): Fee: $500

(6-15 pages): Fee: $750


READING AND EVALUATION OF BOOKS OR PLAYS: E-Mail this site to request rates

PHONE CONSULTATIONS for story development or script marketing advice.  Examples: You are "stuck" mid-way through writing your script and need ideas for how to work through the plot logjam; you need suggestions for the best ways to get a pitch/query letter to a specific star or director; you want to test out your pitch or concept; you want to know how to approach producers or agents, etc.: 
Fee: $350 per hour

All fees are paid in advance.  

For information on how to set up a reading or consultation, contact (click immediately below):

Writing career stalled?  Turn over a new leaf!  Get solid advice from script consultant Staton Rabin. 
All content on Jump Cut Script Analysis website, www.statonrabin.com, is © 2010 by Staton Rabin